
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Junebug stuck in trachea.. wtf?

Yeah, my big-mouthed b/f was singing on his drive home and a junebug decided to pop in. He busted thru the door w/a container he had been puking in. Couldn't help but laugh.. couldn't help him either.. ; ( I didn't really find anything on the internet; anybody have any VALID* ideas?
* I don't want him to further irritate his esophagus and trachea, he's been coughing like crazy
Thanks! ; D
The bug could have scratched the inside of his esophagus or
injured the epiglottis - or he could have actually inhaled a piece of it . If he is still coughing, take him to the ER. An injury to the windpipe [ trachea ] can be very serious.
YYYYCCCKKKKK!! I just puked after reading this question! I would just drink some, better yet, make that BEER (like a case or two) and wash it down like it was a nice, big Happy Pill.He'll feel much better when he feels the Junebug make its way down the various tubes of the body until it fries itself in his stomach juices.I dont think it'll make it out the backside since it will be disintegrated by his immune system....:)
It is not in his trachea. If it were, he'd be dead already.
its gone down to his stomach now were the acid will destroy it,just drink cold iced drink
He will be fine. It is not in his throat it just tryed to stop from going down and scratched him so it feels like it is. He will be fine. And junebugs are high in protein...I know its still gross

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