
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jammed finger.?

I have a jammed left hand index finger (from playing basketball) and it has been jammed all day. I don't think that it is broken, because I can flex it and write with it, but not without pain. Please help!
who hasn't jammed a finger, c'mon man if you can bend it then tough it out.
Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
My daughter fell off of her bunk bed when she was about five, after I calmed her down we went through the tests, can you wiggle your fingers, can you move your hand, yes, yes, no problems, until that night she woke up screaming so I took her to the hospital and sure enough she had a broken bone in her hand, sometimes being able to move your fingers is not an indication that nothing is broken. Go have an xray before it starts to heal improperly.
I have a jammed finger many times and every time im told to pull it out, it hurts but afterwards it feels much better but keep some ice on it to for a while
you can splint it and it sounds like a jammed socket joint. You can fix it yourself but not recommended. You need to focus on something other than your finger. It will be alot of pain. If you do it at home, take 3 pills of something like Advil, tylonnel, etx. If your a druggie (just saying- your a stranger I dont know if you are) smoke some pot whichever and pull the finger straight out from the body. If you dont take pain. Seek a local doctor or physician and he can do it for you and provide nice pain killers.
Go see a doc just to make sure. I thought i jammed my pinky finger and it turned out I broke the tip off.

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