
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

KNOTs on my LEGS!?

I ran 2 miles with my friend whos really fast at the track today... yesterday i ran 1 mile slower... but now my legs feel like they are tied in knots and hurt like you know what... what can i do to ease my pain? BTW they are on the back of the calves!
knuckles tothe spots hurts for a while but will relieve the knots. just massage your leg with your knuckles in the bath tub with warm water. I B profen is a big help too.
ibuprofin and a heating pad is about all you can do. don't run tomorrow. give your legs a break. if you have someone to rub your legs for you that would be great too.
rest..or try stretching your legs but do it carefully
Leg cramps stink! I know what you are going through. The first thing you want to do is up your potassium level. You can do this by eating a banana. Next you want to rub your legs. I have found that rubbing my legs in small circular motions followed by rubbing down the length of the leg will get the blood flowing and allow the knots to loosen up. After you have done that, draw a bath of water as warm as you can stand it and add some Epsom Salt. This will really help relax your muscles. Last but not least, rub some muscle rub (tiger balm is my favorite) on your calves before you go to bed. Make sure to wear something like sweats to bed so that your legs stay warm. Make sure you drink a lot of water too! Dehydration causes major cramps!! Hope you feel better!
Well I had that problem as well. So I asked my doctor and he told me to drink some pickle juice. I kno it seems odd but it really works. Something about the vinegar of some sort helps cramps and knotting feelings. If you dont like pickles then I dont know what to tell you maybe some epsome salt in water then take a cloth and soak it and lay it on your leg.

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