hi... i am a young athlete (13) and i play a lot of sports. recently, my knee started hurting. it is not bruised but i feel a dull pain and when i put pressure on it i feel a sharp pain. it is warmer than my other knee and is swollen and hurts to use. does anybody know what it is?
i had the same problem at the same age!! thank god my brother is a doctor lol. you could have strained something or you could have this problem where your knee/leg is having trouble growing and strengthening. you need to go see your family doctor or pediatrican (whichever you go to). they will probably do an x-ray just to make sure that nothing is wrong. they will probably have you move your leg around and look at your knee and stuff.
i had it sprained in one place to i had to keep it wrapped it for about a month but then i had to wear this little brace.. its not even a brace. it goes above the knee cap and it helps ur knee and leg grow correctly and strong. they are like $15 at any pharmacy or sports store. I wear it when I am running or if I wake up and it hurts then i put it on for the day.
I don't know if thats ur problem but... you should go see your doctor. The one thing I am talking about the growing and stuff.. I can't remember what its called... but ur doctor should be able to figure out whats wrong.
you can e-mail me if you want and i will have my brother answer it since he is a doctor.
good luck!
Yes! and my advice is for you to go to the Doctor.
there are numerous reasons, but i agree we are not the ones to ask, your doctor is more qualified.
I had d sme poblem wen i was younger, i wnt 2 d docs n i had sme srt of ting, but all i had 2 do was tke a yr out of sports.. U suld go 2 d docs..
There are a number of things this could be. I would suggest that you see a doctor and have some simple tests ran to see what it is. A doctor will be able to tell you if it is something a simple as a small ligament strain or as serious as a meniscus tear. I would bet that this is something fairly minor and will heal on its own if you take a few weeks off.
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