and i get a really dry mouth. Is there anyone else on this type of medication and do you have this sort of problem. Or can any one come up with a sensible answer to this problem. Not taking the prophine is not an option. Thank you in advance for all your serious answers.
Sucking hard candy helps me. Or chewing gum. My favorite is Luden's Cough drops or Wild Cherry Lifesavers. They also make toothpastes and mouth rinses for diabetics that are specifically for dry-mouth, you might also try that.
A common side effect of morphine sulfate (Oramorph) is dry mouth. I have severe IBS, and am often hospitalized with severe pain. When I'm given morphine, I get a dry mouth. It usually helps me to suck on ice chips or eat a popsicle. I know it's irritating, but it's very common so don't worry about something being wrong. Another of my medications causes dry mouth, and I find it so uncomfortable--if it really starts to bother me I'll drink a big glass of water (or 2, or 3...) or suck on some ice chips and that usually helps. Hope this helps a bit...and good luck!
Try sucking on's a common side effect with morphine. I've been taking it for a long time.
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