
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kidney stones?

my friend has kidney stones and her side is always in pain. what can she do to help it?
If she wants to pass it, she can drink lots of water to increase the probability of it passing.But.. there is technology that allows them to zap it with sound waves. However, if you are pregnant, this is not an option as it could be harmful to the baby. Tell her to consult her doctor about that procedure because it's alot less painful than passing a kidney stone.
Drink more water to pass the stone.See a doctor and have a lithotripsy.
take mourfing
I know someone going through this right now and all they could do was go to the doctor and they can give you needles to help the pain. I think it's the only way to really help.
A warm towell placed on the painful spot will help. LOTS and LOTS of water and hopfully the stones will pass out with her urine. good luck!
tannin in tea,combines with calcium in dairy.Alsocertain veges like kale and spinich are no-no's.Stay well hydrated
Kidney stones hurt like a mofo, thats for sure. Keeping your body properly maintained while going through this will help ease the pain and help it pass faster. The link below should answer all of your questions, and ill give a little summary of what you could learn by reading it.You should call a doctor if you have any of the following signs:extreme pain in your back or side that will not go away
blood in your urine
fever and chills
urine that smells bad or looks cloudy
a burning feeling when you urinate
These may be signs of a kidney stone that needs a doctor鈥檚 care.
A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in a kidney out of substances in the urine.Are all kidney stones alike?
No. Doctors have found four major types of kidney stones.What can my doctor do about a problem stone?
If you have a stone that will not pass by itself, your doctor may need to take steps to get rid of it. In the past, the only way to remove a problem stone was through surgery.Now, doctors have new ways to remove problem stones.
How will my doctor find out what kind of stone I have?
The best way for your doctor to find out what kind of stone you have is to test the stone itself. If you know that you are passing a stone, try to catch it in a strainer.
Hope you got it down, ive had friends and family that have gone through this before, not cool.
If its kidney stones its hell, I've had them and it is the worse pain on earth. Doctors even say it is worse than the pain a women has having a child and I believe it.
All the Demerol and Morphine they give me would still not hardly touch the pain. I was sure glad when they did the operation and I was finally out of pain, I will never forget the amount of pain they caused when I was trying to pass them.
I'm a man and it is much worse on a man but I still feel for your girlfriend she must be going through hell. The only thing she can do is go to emerge at the hospital and see a doctor, other than that drink lots of cranberry juice, it helps to pass them. Any over the counter medications will not be strong enough to touch the pain.
Good luck
a lot of water and good excercising. best answer?

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