So, lately i've had blurred vision, pain in my right hand, difficulty balancing, my legs feel heavy, often nauseous, almost always tired and a burning like sensation in my stomach. I don't think I'm extremely stressed, i've taken the imitation peptobesmol for my stomach it helps for a little while but after a couple hours it's back in the same condition, I drunk some powerade yesterday and that seemed to help my tiredness/drowsiness for a little while. This made me think perhaps i was dehydrated. Is there a sickness that combines all these symptoms?
There is not enough information provided to even begin to suggest any possibilities as to what is happening. All of these symptoms are of the vague, non-specific type that do not narrow down the possibilities.To get a better sense of what possibilities are likely, you will need to discuss with your physician a more detailed history as well as a physican examination. only with that information will more specific possibilities be worth discussing.
I had some of this not to long ago... except for the pain in the hand thing.. I had everything else... I felt sort of crappy for awhile... It sort of went away for me after awhile though.. I just always felt tired.. stomach didn't feel good.. wasn't in mood to eat much.. wanted to sit/ lay down and I couldn't figure it out myself.. I figured I might have had a cold or something.. I never figured it out though... Good luck though...
How old are you? Do you have high blood pressure? This sounds potentially serious. At the the very least you need to talk with a doctor ASAP.
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