
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jaw dislocation, serious?

half a month ago i dislocated my jaw somehow and from that day if i yawned too wide it would go out of place and my mouth would get stuck open and i had to put it back, then when i ate my jaw would also get out of place, it stopped for a week or so but two days ago it started hurting and now it even hurts to close my mouth! i dont know if its serious or not my friends said it will go away, will it? or should i see a doctor urgently.
yeah you need to see a doctor. the muscles around your jaw are weak for some reason and you need to find out why.
I had the same problem, it is called TMJ. I suggest you go to the doctor and see can they help.
I would recommend seeing a doctor, just in case. I have this problem too. You may have a form of TMJ, which can be genetic or acquired from an injury, like you said you had. I recieved an injury too, and like you, mine has never been the same. Unless it requires surgery, there are some steps to prevent the pain. My dentist recommended a bite plate at night so you don't grind your teeth or clench your muscles during sleep. You can have one made, or go to a sports shop and buy a mouth gard- get the kind that you boil in water, then mold to the shape of your teeth. Don't chew gum if you can avoid it, and gently massage your jaw to avoid cramping. Hope that helps, I know the pain!

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