
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ive been doing Lortab 10mg for three years, how do I know if I have dialysis?

Im a 25 year old male, I wiegh 145 lbs, I have been doing Lortab 10mg for three years now, some times roxicodines 15mg! I use to go through three hundred Lortabs in a mounth! On 3 weeks and off 1. I have slowed down alot sence then. When I run out I use Tramodol's to help releve the pain of with draws! I just feel like a 60 year old man. Its hard for me to even walk! I also use to use heorine as a teen, and recintly tred again! I snort It, DONOT shoot! Well when I used it I welt a faint "buzz", but was really shocked that I felt nothing! I think that was the wake up call for me! please help as I have no medical insurence !
Dialysis as it has been said is a method for detoxing your blood. It is used when your kidneys have failed or are failing. Possibly due to, too much Acetaminophen use. Lortab contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) The maximum daily dose of Acetaminophen is 4,000mg or grams it is less if you drink alcohol or have kidney or liver problems.
However if you take Acetaminophen long term any amount can possibly cause harm to you. As for not feeling the effects of Heroin it is due to the fact that you have built up a Tolerance to Hydrocodone and Oxycodone. The real question here is are you using these medicines (Not Heroin) for pain control or for the way they make you feel? Irregardless, It is quite apparent that you are not using these medicines properly and you are endangering yourself. Even if you are using these for pain. Heroin use is not an acceptable choice for pain control but I suspect you are aware of all this. It is up to you of course but, I sincerely hope that you seek out the assistance of a substance abuse counselor or doctor and inquire about treatment. There are plenty of clinics and physicians that deal with these matters and are either free or work for a reduced rate. Please don't let your lack of health insurance keep your from seeking help.I wish you good luck and hope you make the right choice
I don't understand your question. A person does not have dialysis and not know it. Dialysis is a treatment for kidney failure. But it sounds like you are trying to seek help with your drug problem? If so, please call your local substance abuse counseling center. The nearest hospital will be able to direct the call. There are free programs available.
The question really doesn't have anything to do with your kidneys, does it?? You are playing Russian Roulette with your life and should get help to be able to enjoy your life again. It doesn't take medical insurance to go to a rehab, they will work with you according to your income and there are many free ones. Resorting to illegal street drugs is NOT the answer, you make it sound like it is okay if you are not injecting them..WRONG. No matter how you do it, it's death.
I urge you to seek help with your problem, you are in dire need of it.
You must be asking for a death wish. That much Lortab and heroin is crazy. I take Lortab for about 9 months now for a knee injury but to take heroin on top is crazy. I see you don't really have a question but you are asking for a kidney injury.
Dude, please get some help somewhere. Dialysis is not a disease, it's a treatment for kidney failure. They recycle your blood thru a machine. Why are you doing so much medicine? you don't state that you're disabled or seeing a dr. or anything. At least you now realize you have a problem. Find some help, and soon. Financing can be arranged at most hospitals, and if you're below a certain income in some places, care is free or cost is reduced. Good luck to you and bless you.

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