how do i get rid of it??
does anyone know??
put some salt and warm water in a cup and swish it around in your mouth and it should be gone by 5 days or less
toothpaste. it sounds like a canker sore. toothpaste has flouride and that will help get rid of it. use oragel for pain til its gone.
Oh no know we see the truth ,to many side jobs lately !!!!
Its called a mouth ulcer and there is no way to get rid of them sooner then the time it takes for them to heal. There is a numbing medication called Kanka that works amazingly well. Just be forewarned that it burns like hell when you first apply it.
Sounds like a canker sore. They are common and nothing to worry about. Try to avoid citrus such as oranges as this will irritate it.
It will run it's course, but in the meantime, if it hurts, put a little ice on it and this will help with the swelling and will numb the pain. Keep ice on for fifteen minutes, then repeat as needed.
Oragel is also fine, but why spend money when when ice works and it should be gone in a few days anyway?
I hate those. The good news is they usually don't last long. In the mean time you can try rinsing with Listerine. There are also over the counter products you can get to ease the pain while it heals. You should try and stay away from citrus; the acid in the fruit will give you a nasty reminder that the sore is still there.
It may be what is called a Canchor sore often caused by a vitamin deficiency. Try checking an over the counter product called "Abreeva". Read the directions on the package to see if it this ointment can actually be applied to the inside of your mouth or on your gum. I know it's good for sores of this kind on the lips and outer mouth area.Sometimes if you are under a lot of stress, these sores will appear in your mouth. They are round and red often with a white center, and hurt like heck if you eat something spicy or touch it. They take up to 3 days to disappear. And they can actually keep coming back if your stress level increases or your're not eating enough fruit.They can be a type of a condition called "Herpes Simplex" which is highly contagious when the blisters similar to this are present. Herpes cannot be cured, but outbreaks controlled by a prescribed medication called "Valtrex".You have to be seen by a doctor when your sores are present to be properly diagnosed and treated.It will pass. Hang in there!
Canker sore, rinse your mouth several times a day with warm salt water.
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