
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jammed Finger tips?

i play guitar and i jammed my finger playing football i want to play guitar again soon but my finger hurts any tips?
Well i see your problem, and i have just the solution. I'm certified in first aid and you were kinda obscure in your description of your injury, but ill do my best. If your finger nail is black get a metal paper clip and straighten a piece of it out and heat it till its red (use plyers to hold paperclip) then place the tip of the paper clip in the middle of the blackened nail and it will easily puncture through. Let the blood drain out and instant relief. Now if its just a hyper extended muscle pain in your finger best thing u can do is keep it straight by using a splint, wrap it in ice pack to limit swelling (dont expose finger to ice more then 20 mins can cause nerve damage), and once swelling is under control you need to provide heat for your finger so that it can increase blood circulation through your finger. (put finger in warm water, get a cotton sock place rice inside and heat in microwave and use to wrap around your finger, etc. hope that helps.

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