hi.. i play basketball everyday
and like 2 weeks ago my knee started hurting.. i cant remember why
but anyway
when i am walking or running... it doesnt hurt at all
but when i jump and land while playing basketball it hurts
Not EXTREME pain, but enough that i cant play good enoughIt hurts where the picture says lateral aspect of knee joint
Only in that spot
why is it hurting? and what can i do to make it stop?
thanks allot
yeah, I would it pretty easy for about a month! I am being serious! I use to be a hard core tennis player, but I had to quit because. when playing tennis I landed a bit to hard and kind of hurt my knee about, but for about 3 weeks it was kinda painful when I would jump and stuff then one day I turned slightly and dislocated my knee sooo bad... because of not letting it rest it was weak and couldn't handle much... I had to wear like one of the leg braces things for a month and half. I t was so swollen and painful for months, and I had to have knee aspirations to remove the fluid on my knee... so, point to the story is if you don't want to end up like me TAKE IT EASY ON your knee!
The best way to make this pain stop is, DON"T JUMP!
quit jumping
maybe let it heal? i dunno. hope you feel better!
i got that type of pain when i ran alot, or more than i was used to. i would say to not play bball for a few days, to let it rest and heal, and then to not play for long periods of time , or at least rest every 30mins or so
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