
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I've hurt my wrist, do I put a cold press or a hot press on it?

My wrist has hurt for about two years or so everytime I lean on it or carry anything heavy, but on Sunday I did a roly-poly (daft I know) and it did a little crunch and since then I can't really move it much or so anything with it. Should I put something cold on it, or something hot, or bandage it all up, or just ignore it and hope it goes away?
(I know a doctor might be a better place to go but it took me two weeks to get an appointment last time so I won't even attempt it again unless my hand falls off)
I would say that you have sprained your wrist. You should put an ice pack on it and get seen by a doctor. If you damaged any ligaments or muscles they need to be immobilized until all of the structures are healed. Also do not try and put any excess weight on it. I know it's tough because it's your right hand. I have broken my left wrist and sprained my right twice so I know what you are going through. Best of luck. Hope this helps.
cold ice, only 10-15 minutes at a time
To be honest I think you should go to A and E. There are many little bones in the wrist and its easily fractured.
It's always cold then hotCold compress initially to restrict the blood flow and stop further swelling.After 24 hours you use hot compress to sped up the blood flow and get rid of the swelling
both colld then hot ok and masage
Why do people think heat is good for an injury?Ice 20 minutes every hour for about 3 days after the injury. Do not heat because there is a chance it still may be inflamed and the heat will increase the inflammation. I would avoid heat overall because it really won't do too much for you. I would say to start moving it around and using it once you are about 4 days post injury. If you're still having a lot of pain and are unable to move it, you should go to a physician.
Yes cold, and for as long as possible.
If swelling, put ice on it. if it is stiff put a hot wash cloth on it. Next see a wrist specialist. This is extremely important. If you are not able to put pressure on your wrist there could be something wrong. For instance there is a condition called Kienbocks disease where the lunate bone in your wrist dies causing you to lose mobility. Explain to him that this has gone on for two years now, they'll take an x-ray, if they can 't see anything, they may suggest an MRI which can look closer at the bones.
a cold press is better because it will stop any swelling, if it is not swelled up then a warm press will ease the pain.
Cold for the first 24-48 hrs for 15 mins a few times a day, then you can put heat after 48 hrs if that makes it feel good. You should make an appointment to see the doctor and if it gets better in the next couple of days just cancel the appointment. That is better than waiting a week, realizing its getting worse and then making an appointment for 2 wks later, all the while suffering for 3 wks. If this has been an on/off problem for 2 yrs then the problem is not fixed and you need further medical evaluation.
the rule of thumb is for the first 24 hrs use ice..15-20 on a towel or something..not directly on the skin...then leave it off for 15-20 min..then back on 15-20 min..keep doing this till u get relief..u might wanna pop a couple tylenol too..try as much as possible to not move it around,,,maybe wrap it up in a ace bandage if u can...if after 24 hrs u have no relief then u start using heat...if u still get no relief..then it is time to head to the er and get a xray to find out if u broke something.good luck
you should get it checke out but put a cold flannel over it it may sooth the pain

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