off it until I could walk without pain. Now it's a week later, and its no better, and there's a strange, hard bump about where my ankle meets my heel. Is this usual? I have insurance, but a huge deductable, so I was hoping this would clear up w/o visiting a Dr.
I just had a Total Knee replacement and when they operated they had put my ankle tightly in a vise to keep it from moving and I ended up spraining my ankle in the process. This was just last week. It is now swollen as big as a Grapefruit and a deep Purple and they have me putting ice on it 4 times a day (an hour at a time) but they also have me exercising it. which in my opinion causes more swelling but they say is necessary to restore it healing properly. Also when I am sitting, it has to be Elevated. Try doing these things for a few days even if its painfull as mine is but it does start to slowly get well...
Hey did they do an x-ray? usually RICE ( rest, ice, compression, and elevation) will do the trick. If it's been a week and it still painful, and the fact that you have a hard bump, should lead you back to your physician
From my experiences you do want to try to walk on it when the pain allows but if you are still feeling sharp pains in another week or so, you may need to get a 2nd opinion. Did he tell you to schedule a follow-up appt. Sometimes they can get a better idea after a week or two.
I don't know if it's normal or not, but I had basically the same thing you describe. I was about 14 years old and the "bump" didn't disappear for several months. It didn't hurt, so of course I didn't tell my mother. I never had any problems with that ankle afterward, but if you still have pain I would recommend calling your doctor and asking about the "bump" and also explaining your deductable situation (so maybe they'll be more helpful over the phone).
sounds like you have a hairline fracture, It is a faint fracture that most dr's miss as it is the width of a piece of hari (hence the name) the problem with those type of fractures is you need to be on the right angle to see them. I would def. go back to the hospital to get it re-set, or if cheaper to the dr, get x-rays again then back to doc.
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