My roommate is coming home with massive, reddish/black bruises that span the back of her arms, and are now on her legs. They hurt but she has no idea where they're coming from... she doesn't knock or bump into anything (and no, it's not someone abusing her!). Her mother has her scared about 'Deep Vein Thrombosis' but she doesn't have any of the symptoms - so... What's causing it? Why? What can we do about it?
If she seriously doesn't know what caused them, Get to the er or a after-hours clinic right away. This may be what they call purpera which are the first sign of meningococcemia. If caught immediately, there is a good chance of treatment with antibiotics. Within hours, you can start losing limbs. Within 24 hours, you are very likely to die.
she could contact her doctor and have her clotting factors and CBC tested. is she taking alot of Nsaids (advil, aspirin, alleve)? she needs to stop, if so.
Better get some blood work done sounds serious Liver damage maybe?
go 2 a doctor!! r u sure she isnt bein abused??
she should see a doctor asap
something is not right with your friend
sometimes people who are abused are scarred of telling people.
but if you are sue it is not that, it could be iron defficiency, i used to get small bruises on my arms and legs from that..
she should go to the doctor and get a blood test done. There could be some other medical reason also...
she needs to see dr right away it is a sign of many serious illnesses including cancer!!
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