I am 19 and had 1 surgeries for my dislocated my knee, and tore my ACL, LCL, and MCL and had to have the tendon on the front on my knee used to help restore the tendon on the side of my knee.A second surgery to rerepair my shattered meniscus, acl and MCL. My doctor said the best excercise for me is to water aerobics, and restricted me to no speed walking, excersise bikes, or treadmills. and I have had third opinions from doctors and they have said the same thing!! HOW FRUSTRATING! Anyway has anyone gone through this process? any advice?
I know you probably don't want to hear this, but follow their advice. I had two knee surgeries on the same knee when I was 16. I am now 34 and had to have surgery on the other knee about 2 years ago. I did not follow dr.s orders and have reaped what I sewed. Not fun. It gets worse when you get older, especially when arthritis sets in. Seriously, for your own future well being, do what they say. Best wishes~
I've had knee problems, but not as bad. Stick to water aerobics. try to stay slim, the less weight you put on your knees, the better.
By the very fact that, in spite of getting opinions from three doctors who have all told you the same thing, you've nevertheless opted to pose the same question to ByeDr.com you're an accident waiting to happen but this time, it will be even worse than what you've already been through.This is an indication that you're not willing to accept the advice of the people you're paying to advise you even though they have the skills and experience to provide you with the best possible answers.If you ever wish to regain any semblance of a working knee, you'd best start by regaining some semblance of intelligence and stop resisting their counsel or you will foolishly get someone to tell you otherwise and end up destroying your knee for good.Just some friendly advice from someone who spent a career in the health care system and can spot a disaster in the making.....and if you don't heed their advice, get measured up for some crutches now!!
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